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Virgil: How Dissidents Have Flourished, Then and Now

posted onMarch 4, 2019

Article snippet: It seems that Facebook censors—oops, I mean content monitors—have developed new techniques in their endless quest to make us all live up to their high standards. Specifically, the company’s engineers, eager to “demote bad content,” have suggested the creation of “troll twilight zones” which will “confuse and demoralize” said trolls.    To that end, the Facebook overseers have already identified certain trigger-words, including, “zucced,” “normie,” “MSM,” “Overton Window,” “IRL,” “red pilled,” “SJW,” “shitposting,” “Kek,” and “REEE.”   As anyone who has spent more than 15 minutes reading Breitbart News knows, Silicon Valley’s woke watchfulness is as omnipresent as, well, social media itself.  We can stipulate, of course, that certain kinds of content—most obviously, child porn—are always objectionable and should have no place on the Internet.reported, Facebook treats its frontline human monitors like, well, trolls. Of course, mindful of such bad human-resource optics, it’s a cinch that Facebook will find a way to automate more of its monitoring processes.  So, absent some sort of regulatory reform (as Virgil has called for), it seems likely  Happily for the heterodox, there are lots of ways to beat the system, even if, of course, there are also lots of ways for the system to beat you.  That’s what happened to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.  Yet just those vague phrasings were enough to trigger SMERSH, the Soviet counter-intelligence outfit that was more interested in sno... Link to the full article to read more

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