Article snippet: During an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, live at CPAC, Kobach told Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow that while the country’s mass illegal and legal immigration system may be the leading issue among voters, the conservative conference has devoted little-to-no time to the subject. “There are so many problems in our immigration system,” Kobach said. “President Trump is the one we elected to solve them and here we are at CPAC, talking about other stuff.” Mentioning the lone CPAC panel that is set to touch on the issue, Kobach said: “I wouldn’t even call it a panel, it’s just [National Review‘s] Rich Lowry asking Ted Cruz a few questions.” Kobach continued: Immigration has remained one of the top issues among all U.S. voters for at least a year, the latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds, while the majority of Republican voters, conservatives, and Trump supporters agree that immigration is the number one issue in the country. Listen to Kobach’s full interview here: Most important, Kobach said, is the fact that the nearly 2,000-mile long U.S.-Mexico border largely remains open for human smugglers, drug traffickers, and illegal aliens looking to falsely claim asylum in the country. “There are huge sections of the border that have either nothing whatsoever to impede people coming in or all they have is what’s called a “Normandy barrier” — that’s just a horizontal steel beam supported by some posts to stop a car, but you can hop rig... Link to the full article to read more
Kobach: CPAC Focusing on 'Other Stuff' While Immigration Is Top Issue