Article snippet: House Democrats on Tuesday are poised to pass legislation blocking MORE’s emergency declaration on the southern border, sending a clear rebuke to the president and his go-it-alone approach to border security. The resolution, sponsored by Rep. MORE (D-Texas), is unlikely to survive Trump’s promised veto, even if Senate Democrats can find enough GOP support in the upper chamber to move it to the president’s desk in the coming weeks. But by bringing the measure quickly to the floor, Democratic leaders are sowing divisions between Republican lawmakers and their party’s standard-bearer. They are also sending an unmistakable signal to the White House that, after two years dealing with a friendly, Republican-controlled Congress, Trump and his favored policy agenda will face fierce headwinds heading into the 2020 election under a newly divided government. Democrats have hammered Trump’s emergency declaration as an illegal “power grab,” arguing that he’s shifting funds in violation of the clear-cut separation of powers outlined by the Constitution, which grants Congress the sole authority to direct where taxpayer dollars are spent. “The president’s power grab usurps that constitutional responsibility, and fundamentally violates the balance of power envisioned by our Founders,” Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) said Monday in the Capitol. “This isn’t about the border, this is about the Constitution of the United States.” Castro’s resolution, just one page long, would kill Trump’s e... Link to the full article to read more
House to push back at Trump on border | TheHill