Article snippet: Earlier Monday evening, Univision said Maduro temporarily detained six of its reporters, including Ramos, at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas after asking questions the disputed Venezuelan president “didn’t like.” The network also reported the team’s recording equipment was confiscated before being released. The crew was released around three hours after the incident started, said the network. According to Ramos, Maduro ended their interview upon being shown the footage below: “[W]hen I showed him these images, he said that the interview was over,” the Univision anchor said. “He didn’t like the things we were asking, about the lack of democracy in Venezuela, the torture of political prisoners, about the humanitarian crisis that they are living,” he added. The anchor’s daughter, Paola Ramos, confirmed in a social media post that she was in contact with her father and that he was out of harm’s way. “[J]ust talked to my dad. He is safe,” she tweeted. “He told me that 15 mins into his interview, Maduro stopped him & then forced him & his team into a dark room for 2.5 hours. He was then released without any of his belongings.” Kimberly Breier, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, wrote in a tweet that the U.S. State Department received confirmation of the team’s detainment and demand their immediate release. “[T]he world is watching,” the officials added. The development came as the Trump administration announced new sanctions Mond... Link to the full article to read more