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Alveda King: We Are ‘of One Blood’ and ‘One Human Race’

posted onFebruary 24, 2019

Article snippet: Mansour invited King’s comment on the state of race relations, highlighting a February-published Gallup poll showing increasing dissatisfaction with race relations over recent years. Mansour noted, “Gallup has been polling on [race relations] for a number of years; since 2001, at least. Back in 2001, at least 70 percent of black Americans graded race relations as very good or somewhat good, and 62 percent of white people agreed. Now, it shows that over time — and it started in 2013 — our attitude and optimism towards race relations has taken a nosedive, and now it’s almost at a really low ebb. Only 55 percent of white Americans, and only 49 percent of black Americans view race relations in a positive light.” Mansour asked, “All of the stories out now that seem to be pulling us apart — especially the Jussie Smollett thing that just happened — how do we come back and heal? What do we need to do? What’s going on with our country, right now?” “Consciously … I made a decision that I would not defend anybody for being called a racist, anymore,” replied King. “I would not fight against people and call others racist. I would come up with this particular truth. We hold many truths to be self-evident. Well, this should be one of those truths. Of one blood, God made the human race. God created the human race.” LISTEN: King recalled, “My uncle, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters, or perish together as fools. Wel... Link to the full article to read more

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