Article snippet: Manning and Mansour asked King to address the Trump administration’s Friday issuance of a rule regarding federal taxpayer funding of family planning. The new block about $60 million of federal government funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. “I was absolutely delighted, because now the regulations are being addressed and we are really seeing clearly where some of the money that Planned Parenthood gets from our tax dollars comes from,” remarked King. LISTEN: King noted, “[Planned Parenthood] gets over half a billion dollars a year, and several million dollars a day in tax dollars. Some of that money does come out of Title X. So you have several million women who are served by organizations that are funded through Title X, Planned Parenthood getting a lion’s share of that.” King added, “So what we in the pro-life movement have been saying for a long time — especially in the African-American community — we said, ‘Okay, they don’t use their Title X money specifically to do abortions, but they pay for many of the other things that they’re doing, and that leaves some of their other funding streams available to do the abortions.'” King continued, “So we knew there had to be some sort of regulation there to go ahead and fund those dollars to organizations that do not perform abortions, but give all of the other services like health screenings, opportunities being directed to other female health services, or to provide some of those services themse... Link to the full article to read more