Article snippet: MORE is intensifying his attack on federal funding for Planned Parenthood with the introduction of new rules on Friday that are widely seen as a way of gutting federal funding to the group. The women’s health organization could lose millions of dollars in funding if the sweeping changes to a federal family planning program are upheld in court. Under the changes, clinics aren’t eligible for Title X Family Planning funds unless they are physically and financially separate from abortion providers. That means clinics couldn’t share space or staff with abortion facilities. Clinics would also be banned from referring women for abortions or counseling them on abortion as an option to end pregnancy. This could disqualify many of Planned Parenthood’s 600 centers across the country, which receives about a quarter of Title X funds annually to provide reproductive health and preventive services to low-income women. “Planned Parenthood cannot participate in a program that would force our health care providers to compromise our ethics,” President Leana Wen said Friday, when asked by The Hill if Planned Parenthood would continue applying for the funding. While federal funds can’t be used for abortions under law, the administration argues that any money that goes to clinics providing abortions indirectly supports the procedure. Planned Parenthood vowed to fight against the changes, but similar rules were upheld by the Supreme Court in 1991. “We have fought many times befo... Link to the full article to read more
Trump steps up attack on Planned Parenthood | TheHill