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Rubio: ‘The Chinese Effort to Supplant America Has No Precedent’

posted onFebruary 21, 2019

Article snippet: “The Chinese effort to supplant America has no precedent,” Rubio said in a lengthy phone interview on Tuesday evening. “The Soviet Union wanted to ideologically supplant us, so they were a geopolitical competitor primarily trying to overthrow governments and install communism. And they were a military competitor. But they were never an industrial or economic competitor, and they approached us sort of frontally and openly. The Chinese effort to supplant America is first deeply rooted in their view of history, that it is their rightful place to be the most powerful nation on earth, and that the last hundred years are an aberration, and so they’re going to set things right. Second, it’s based on frankly suckering the West and America into believing that they are a poor and developing country who just wants to be like us. We’ve made policy decisions for two decades or longer based on that assumption that’s now come back to bite us.” Rubio last week released an explosive 80-page report on China’s push to supplant the United States as the world’s economic superpower. The report, titled “Made in China 2025: And the Future of American Industry,” walks through in great detail exactly what the Chinese are doing and how they are doing it with regard to attempting to replace the United States on the world stage. “It’s the most comprehensive effort ever undertaken by any nation ever in every realm,” Rubio told Breitbart News about China’s push for worldwide power. “It’s in th... Link to the full article to read more

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