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Female Dems see double standard in Klobuchar accusations | TheHill

posted onFebruary 18, 2019

Article snippet: At least some Democratic congresswomen see a double standard at play in the accusations that 2020 presidential contender Sen. MORE (D-Minn.) is hard on her staff. “Women are not usually applauded for being tough. And then when you are…” said Rep. MORE (D-Calif.), trailing off. “But you know what, she's a big girl. She'll handle it. She'll do fine.”  Rep. 65 percent turnover rate among Trump’s senior-ranking advisers as of January.  “But somehow it's an issue for Ms. Klobuchar,” Speier said. A flurry of reports last weekend portrayed Klobuchar as a demanding boss who had difficulty recruiting staff for her presidential run due to her reputation. The reports coincided with Klobuchar's notable 2020 campaign launch, which began on a snow-covered stage in Minneapolis where temperatures had dipped to a freezing 14 degrees. Those reports alleged that Klobuchar engaged in behavior ranging from routinely dismissing staffers' work as “the worst” to accidentally hitting an aide after throwing a binder and calling departing staffers’ new employers to get their job offers rescinded. Klobuchar acknowledged in a Fox News interview with Bret Baier this past week that “I can be a tough boss and push people, that's obvious. “But that's because I have high expectations of myself, I have high expectations of those that work with me and I have high expectations for our country.” Some Klobuchar staffers who spoke to outlets reporting on the allegations questioned whether former co-wor... Link to the full article to read more

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