Article snippet: MORE leaned on his signature freewheeling and unscripted style Friday during his announcement of a national emergency at the border. The nearly hour-long Rose Garden event was billed by the White House as remarks by Trump on “the national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border.” But Trump kept his audience, which included his newly-confirmed Attorney General Bill Barr, Homeland Security Secretary MORE and several Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement leaders, waiting for the announcement of an emergency declaration, first offering riffs on trade with China and the United Kingdom, among other issues. And after the dramatic announcement of the emergency declaration, which is set to open a whole new political battle with Congress, Trump battled with reporters, put down the television networks he dislikes and expressed his frustration with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the border declaration is likely headed. It was classic Trump, as the president avoided using a teleprompter and appeared to improvise and riff for the most part. He spent the first six minutes of his address on topics unrelated to the border before slowly working his way around to the announcement, saying that “a lot of positive things are going on,” an apparent admission that the border deal crafted by Congress was something less than that. He also offered digressions on the positive things he said his administration was accomplishing, including the econom... Link to the full article to read more