Article snippet: Earlier this week, and thanks only to alternative media, we learned that Dr. Vanessa Tyson, a professor of politics at Scripps College in Claremont, California, told the Washington Post in late 2017 that Fairfax, a Democrat, forced her to perform oral sex on him in a hotel room during the 2004 Democrat National Convention. He denies any wrongdoing and says the sexual encounter was consensual. The Washington Post chose not to report the story, even though Tyson’s account contained more details — like a time and place for the alleged encounter — than the story of Christine Blasey Ford, which the Post published without corroboration. But after Big League Politics broke it on Monday, both Fairfax and the Post were forced to address it. What makes Fairfax’s fate so newsworthy is that he is next in line to replace Gov. Ralph Northam, who is currently embroiled in a blackface scandal (which Big League Politics broke last week). Northam, who is also a Democrat, is under withering pressure from within his own party to resign. As far as the “fuck that bitch” comment, Fairfax released a statement admitting only to being “emotional” at that Monday meeting. He also asked that his accuser be treated with respect. “I wish her no harm or humiliation, nor do I seek to denigrate her or diminish her voice,” he said. Fairfax’s chief of staff Lawrence Roberts is denying that the Democrat said “fuck that bitch.” “Absolutely not true. I was there,” he told the Post. Around the same tim... Link to the full article to read more
Report–Democrat Justin Fairfax Lashes Out at Accuser: 'F**k That B*tch'