Article snippet: First, a quick reminder that even before Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, things around Washington, D.C., were already pretty weird. President Trump was originally scheduled to deliver his annual address to Congress on Jan. 29. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rescinded her offer on that date because, she said, she couldn’t protect everyone’s safety due to the partial government shutdown. At first, the White House appeared to consider sending Trump to deliver the speech anyway, even if he met a locked door. Eventually Trump backed down. So, here we are in February, with the government back open (at least for a few more days), and the president has an annual platform on all of the television networks to announce new government initiatives and a vision for the country. Facing his first divided government, Trump began his speech with broad themes of both parties working together, and he did, indeed, announce an array of new programs and ideas. But history might judge Trump’s 2019 speech — as well as the audience’s reaction — as just, well, weird. Here are nine weird things that happened at the State of the Union. Trump didn’t wait for the House Speaker to introduce him There are often jokes by television pundits about the amount of times the House chamber rises and welcomes the president, but it is tradition that adds to the gravitas of the moment. In 2007, when George W. Bush was introduced ahead of his speech, he referred to Nancy Pelosi as “Madam ... Link to the full article to read more
Nine weird things that happened at the State of the Union - The Boston Globe