Article snippet: Renée Graham There’s always a white person wearing blackface who will use ignorance as a defense. JOAN VENNOCHI California billionaire Tom Steyer is doubling down on his personal impeachment crusade. JEFF JACOBY When has Bill Weld ever been politically or ideologically reliable? Democrats have said an independent candidacy by the former Starbucks chief executive would only help reelect President Trump. The controversies emerged after reproductive rights activists in several states launched aggressive efforts to shore up state laws to protect abortion access in the event that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that made abortion legal. Proponents frame it as a consumer protection move to fill the void created when the Trump administration rolled back Obama-era policies. In a state where labor unions often fund Democratic candidates, a change stands to affect those in the majority party far more than Republicans and others. Even before Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, things around Washington, D.C., were already pretty weird. Analysis On Tuesday night, Trump asked for Democrats and Republicans to “break decades of political stalemate” and work together. The controversies emerged after reproductive rights activists in several states launched aggressive efforts to shore up state laws to protect abortion access in the event that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling th... Link to the full article to read more