Article snippet: Senate Republicans joined Democrats in offering a direct rebuke Thursday of the administration’s Syria policy, marking the first time during the new Congress that the GOP caucus has formally broken with MORE. Senators voted 68-23 to end debate on an amendment that warns Trump against drawing down troops in Syria and Afghanistan. Senators still need to hold a second vote to add the amendment to the foreign policy bill, which will likely take place next week. The vote is the latest sign of fracture between congressional Republicans and Trump on foreign policy. The president caught lawmakers off guard when he announced last month that he would yank troops from Syria. He further rankled Republicans this week when he lashed out at top administration intelligence officials after they publicly contradicted him on Iran. Sen. MORE (R-Texas) said that it showed Congress is a “co-equal branch of government.” The non-binding amendment, spearheaded by Senate Majority Leader MORE (R-Ky.), warns the administration against a “precipitous” withdrawal of the U.S. forces in Syria and Afghanistan. It also urges the administration to certify that certain conditions have been met “for the enduring defeat of al Qaeda and ISIS before initiating any significant withdrawal of United States forces from Syria or Afghanistan.” “I’ve been clear about my own views on these subjects,” McConnell said ahead of the vote on Thursday. “I believe the threats remain. [The Islamic State in Iraq and ... Link to the full article to read more
Senate admonishes Trump on Syria | TheHill