Article snippet: What’s more, the poll shows that only 43 percent of Trump voters consider the conclusion of the government shutdown a victory for Trump, even as 60 percent approved of ending the partial shutdown. The poll, conducted by Ear to the Ground, found that most “Trump voters still support the President for the time-being, even if they view the outcome of the Shutdown Showdown as his loss.” According to the poll, Trump’s base is sticking with him, but without a border wall, his support would collapse almost in half. On a seven-point scale, the president currently holds a 6.71 level of support, which is down from 6.78 at the beginning of the year. However, among his own voters, support for Trump would plummet to “3.82 if he fails to secure border security funds, a drop of 43%.” The poll also shows that his supporters, by a wide margin of 95 percent, support Trump building the border wall by declaring a national emergency. For those wondering why Democrats and the media are adamantly opposed to any kind of barrier or wall along our southern border, this is why. Any funding for any kind of structure will allow Trump to claim he kept his central campaign promise. And although Democrats and the media know we need physical structures to protect our border, what is more important to both groups is preventing Trump from keeping that promise. They believe, and not without cause, that the fastest way to defeat Trump in 2020 is to destroy his base of support. Granted, we are a long... Link to the full article to read more
Poll: Trump Will Lose 43% of His Support if Wall Isn't Built | Breitbart