Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories Critics say the Pentagon’s plan for an air-launched nuclear cruise missile makes the unimaginable more likely. The president tweeted before it was clear whether the incidents in London were over. “I’ve always been compelled by things that make you slow down and pay attention to Mother Nature’s schedule rather than your own,” the former governor said. Robert Mueller has taken over a separate probe involving former Trump campaign official Paul Manafort. Does he or doesn’t he? Believe in climate change, that is. President Donald Trump is launching a major push for a $1 trillion overhaul of the nation’s roads and bridges. The president is caught between seasoned military commanders and skeptical political advisers. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis criticized both North Korea and China at a security summit in Singapore. It’s customary for former presidents to not criticize the current office-holder, but President Obama is casting tradition aside. Democrats, who met in Worcester for their annual convention, are so sore over losing their last campaign, they were barely even talking about the next one. The co-founder of the MIT program on climate said the administration was citing an outdated report, taken out of context. President Trump and his allies have made it through nearly half their first year in power without a major legi... Link to the full article to read more
Politics - The Boston Globe