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Trump Administration Tells Democrats It Is Using Their Demand Letters for Origami Practice

posted onJune 3, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:18 pm on June 2, 2017 by streiff Periodically, you see headlines like this in the media: Cummings demands Coats, Rogers memos on Trump conversations First on CNN: Senators asked Comey to investigate AG Jeff Sessions for possible perjury This all gives the illusion that the Democrats are kicking ass and taking names but that’s all it is, an illusion. While they are making a big production of demanding stuff, they really aren’t getting much of anything. Last week, the Democrats in Congress accused the administration of ignoring them: Today the White House responded by releasing a legal opinion which spelled out to all executive branch entities their responsibility to respond, or not, to members of Congress: This is the actual opinion. Essentially what the letter says is that if a member of Congress who is not a chairman of a committee or subcommittee asks for any information about agency operations, they are to be treated with the same deference you would give to a random member of the public. So in the future when you read that Elijah Cummings is demanding information about something, keep in mind that if you send the same demand in you will probably get your answer first. Link to the full article to read more

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