Article snippet: Posted at 7:51 pm on May 31, 2017 by streiff The Wall Street Journal reports that the House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas today in its probe of the Trump-Russia collusion. The targets of four of these subpoenas remain unleaked, but that will probably change by tomorrow. The three that we know about are very interesting: I’ve speculated before that Brennan is the Patient Zero of this entire collusion mythos. It was the CIA, alone, of the intelligence agencies who were flogging the Russia-stole-the-election story and eventually convinced the FBI to change its stance from YGBSM to okay. The NSA never bought the CIA’s story. Susan Rice was obviously in the unmasking business up to her unibrow. It is uncertain whether she was doing it out of personal interest or if she was part of the “resistance” that boasted it was spreading information about Trump and Russia everywhere, but there is no doubt that she was involved in questionable if not outright illegal unmasking. The new name in the mix is Samantha Power. This is the first time her name has come up in connection with anything not involving flaming incompetence or moral culpability in genocide. It is difficult to imagine a set of circumstances where the UN Ambassador would have the need to see intelligence transcripts involving Americans much less need to know their actual identities. This action plus the statements by Lindsey Graham on the famous email former FBI Director James Comey used to jus... Link to the full article to read more
House Intelligence Committee Issues Some Unexpected Subpoenas in the Russia Probe