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Trump Administration May Return Seized Russian Compounds Proving Nobody Over There Understands Optics

posted onJune 1, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 8:33 pm on May 31, 2017 by Jay Caruso Almost anybody with a cursory familiarity with politics understands the value of optics. When something looks bad, people are going to think it’s bad. The same goes for something that looks good. In that sense, the Trump administration returning compounds seized by the Obama administration following confirmation from the intelligence community the Russians attempted to interfere in the 2016 election is poor optics. From The Washington Post: One ray of light is the agreement is not final: Still, who over there thought it was a good idea even to discuss this? President Trump is out tweeting about health care and then a story like this drops which will remove plenty of attention away from legislative efforts. No wonder Trump can’t find anybody willing to be his communications director. Who wants to be in charge of that circus? I am certain there will be a contingent of people out there yammering on how this is a middle finger to Obama and how great it is because the Russian interference story is a “conspiracy.” They’re the same people who cannot understand (and don’t believe) Trump’s job approval rating hovers at 40 percent. Maybe, just perhaps, it is because a move like this is not “great.”   Link to the full article to read more

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