Article snippet: In a sweeping interview that addressed the array of performers she believes played a role in the drama of her presidential election defeat, Hillary Clinton connected the actions of Russian interlopers in the campaign to domestic actors. "The Russians, in my opinion, and based on the intel and counter-intel people I've talked to, could not have known how best to weaponize [damaging information] unless they had been guided ... by Americans and guided by people who had polling and data information," said Clinton in the interview at Recode's Code Conference in California Wednesday. The former Democratic presidential nominee contended that the timing of WikiLeaks' release of the purported emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta -- immediately after The Washington Post published "Access Hollywood" video of Republican rival Donald Trump making sexually explicit comments -- was incumbent upon the direction of a knowledgeable person attempting to protect the Trump campaign. "They began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like Infowars, take out pieces and begin to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you can imagine," said Clinton. "So they had to be ready for that and they had to have a plan for that and they had to be given the go-ahead: 'OK, this could be the end of the Trump campaign. Dump it now. And then let's do everything we can to weaponize it.'" Russian meddling was just one of the many targets of Clinton's e... Link to the full article to read more