Article snippet: Posted at 7:04 pm on May 30, 2017 by Jim Jamitis In a column today at National Review, Dennis Prager gives his take on those conservatives (like myself) who haven’t yet and most likely won’t jump on board the Trump Train. Prager is a guy with class so the piece is not a polemic but he still gets a lot wrong. Like many of the arguments from pro Trump conservatives, it expresses an imperative that anti Trump conservatives “fight” on Trump’s side while neglecting to say what “fighting” means. Actually there are three options. The third is to try to understand them and be open to changing your own mind. Anti Trump conservatives have had people whom they admire, like Prager, do something they strongly oppose as well. We’re in the same boat in that respect. I’m open to hearing arguments that might change my mind but any such argument would have to begin with an accurate expression of what I currently believe and an explanation as to why I’m wrong. Prager acknowledges this requirement but he doesn’t really fulfill it. He’s bouncing his assumptions off other assumptions. He assumes that with all else being equal, the reasons for being a Trump skeptic must necessarily be exactly opposite to his reasons for being a Trump believer. Frankly, that’s just lazy thinking and uncharacteristic of Prager. For more than a decade, every election was sold as “the most important election of our lifetime” which probably makes for fantastic talk radio ratings but it also helped create t... Link to the full article to read more
Dennis Prager Calls Anti Trump Conservatives to War; I'll Remain a Conscientious Objector, Thanks