Article snippet: Posted at 10:00 pm on May 30, 2017 by Brad Slager In case anyone is worried journalists love making themselves the center of a story, or that the media are enmeshed in a cycle of “fake news”, The Guardian is here to confirm your impressions. The outlet is the employer of Ben Jacobs, the reporter who was launched into headlines following a confrontation with Montana Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte. Now we have comprehensive coverage of Jacobs, post-melee. As we now know, at a press conference there was a confrontation between the two men and Gianforte ended up body-slamming Jacobs…or he choked him…or he grabbed his shirt…or — What is known is the GOP candidate got unnecessarily physical, and Jacobs became bruised and his eyewear was broken in the fracas. The dustup was tailor-made for today’s media cycle. The demonized GOP had lashed out directly against the press, which has delighted in painting themselves victims — all while they launch a perpetual critical fusillade against the Trump administration. It couldn’t have been scripted better by WWE! (This also prepares us for the coming Dwayne Johnson administration.) In a detailed piece, complete with action photos from his optometrist visit, we get the latest on the beleaguered reporter, including his new see-goods. Black frames — Banana Republic brand — ready for pickup in one week. But then we get the most astounding/asinine announcement; (results variable, govern yourself accordingly.) ... Link to the full article to read more
The De-Spectacled Ben Jacobs Sees His Eyewear Become Museum Curated