Article snippet: WASHINGTON — President Trump will interview two more candidates for F.B.I. director on Tuesday as he resumes his search for a replacement for James B. Comey, who was dismissed earlier this month, the White House said. Mr. Trump will meet with Christopher Wray, a former assistant attorney general overseeing the criminal division under President George W. Bush, and with John S. Pistole, a former deputy F.B.I. director who began under Mr. Bush and was later made director of the Transportation Security Administration under President Barack Obama. Mr. Trump has been interviewing a number of candidates, but one of his leading choices, former Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, pulled out of consideration after Democrats raised objections. Mr. Lieberman, a Democrat who later ran as an independent and endorsed John McCain over Mr. Obama in 2008, was viewed as too political for the post, at a time when the F.B.I. is conducting an investigation into contacts between Russia and Mr. Trump’s associates during and after last year’s campaign. Link to the full article to read more