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The Shine May Be off Golden Boy Kushner in Trump's White House

posted onMay 30, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 6:03 pm on May 29, 2017 by Susan Wright So just how secure is a family bond in the Trump White House? Granted, Jared Kushner’s bond is only by marriage to Trump’s favored child, but the president has turned the grand bulk of his duties over to his son-in-law and senior adviser. It’s coming to a point where he may need to find a new Golden Boy, if rumors are to be believed. Trump has had an embattled start to his presidency, in the kindest of terms. The news that Kushner has managed to land in the crosshairs of the FBI, due to his efforts to set up a secret line of communication between the Trump team and the Kremlin was one more Russian headache the president did not need. How much of a liability has Kushner become? Enough that his influence within the White House may be waning. Did he mean it, or was that just the public façade? It was Kushner that recommended he fire James Comey, telling him it would win him points with Democrats, who have held a grudge since Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails just before the election. Many feel that October surprise aided in her defeat. That was a grand miscalculation. Getting rid of Comey wouldn’t suddenly make Clinton president, so of course, the move backfired. They had no reason to suddenly love President Trump. Trump’s ham-fisted handling of the firing didn’t help, actually. He managed to turn a man who was distrusted and disliked by both sides into a sympathetic character. It alm... Link to the full article to read more

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