Article snippet: Posted at 6:24 pm on May 28, 2017 by streiff Earlier in the week, President Trump spoke on the subject of terrorism while sharing a stage with Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas. This was directed at Abbas and the Palestinian practice of paying stipends and pensions to the families of dead terrorists. Now, via Israeli media, we’re hearing there is more of a backstory. And it is compliments of a leak so it has to be true. Given the heavy bias within the foreign policy establishment against Israel and toward the Palestinians it is hardly a surprise that Abbas would have felt comfortable peddling the traditional Palestinian lie that they are interested in peace. If this report is accurate, it is disappointing that no one on the NSC or at the US embassy in Jerusalem bothered to point out Palestinian–and UN and EU–subsidization of terror. They were probably too busy insulting their Israeli counterparts to be bothered. From what we’ve seen of how Trump operates, Abbas has probably succeeded in burning any remaining bridges with the administration. This is not a bad thing because the only thing the “Peace Process” has produced in about 40 years is Palestinian terrorism and intransigence. Link to the full article to read more
Israeli Report: Donald Trump Read Palestinian "President" Abbas the Riot Act on Terrorism