Article snippet: Posted at 5:00 pm on May 26, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Yesterday, RedState’s Kimberly Ross expressed the disappointment a lot of people have felt over how Rush Limbaugh joined the chorus of Republican hacks making light of a Congressional candidate (now Congressman-elect) assaulted a young reporter. Back in 2010 when Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge from North Carolina roughed up a young reporter asking questions, Rush had a totally different attitude about it. Here’s a taste of what Kimberly commented on. Read the rest of her article for full effect. The Republican talking point of the day was to mock the masculinity of reporter Ben Jacobs and celebrate Greg Gianforte for beating him up. I suggested yesterday that this sort of coverage would undoubtedly be quite different if it were a politician of a different party had been the one doing the beating. Then I remembered that back in 2010 video surfaced of Democrat Bob Etheridge getting physical with a young reporter with a video camera. Limbaugh’s take then was quite the opposite of what he expressed yesterday. From Rush’s radio show of June 17, 2010: (Those last few sentences really ring hollow given the “reprobate” Rush Limbaugh and his fellow radio talkers helped win the White House.) Rush participated in the wagon-circling around Greg Gianforte just like every partisan Democrat did for Etheridge, Clinton, Obama, and every other left winger who ever got into hot water. If you have a low tolerance for abject hypoc... Link to the full article to read more