Article snippet: The Congressional Budget Office released its latest analysis of the Republican's health care bill on Wednesday, finding that the GOP plan would increase the number of people without health insurance by 14 million next year and 23 million by 2026. The bill, known as the American Health Care Act, passed the House with just one vote to spare earlier this month. The AHCA results in a net deficit reduction of $119 billion, the CBO analysis found. The lack of a CBO report was decried by Democrats earlier in the month as the bill was being debated in the House. Previous iterations of the bill intended to repeal and replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act -- known as Obamacare -- were eventually reviewed by the CBO after members of both parties accused supporters of rushing the legislation without a thorough vetting. “It is reckless for Republicans to make Congress vote on this mess of a plan before we have those answers from CBO,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., argued in early March as two House committees reviewed the bill and then voted along party lines to approve it. The CBO eventually produced an analysis of the first draft of the AHCA that showed a jump in uninsured Americans and increasing premiums for some along with a deficit reduction. The latest version of the bill passed by the House did not receive a review until today. The White House and supporters of the bill criticized the CBO's accuracy after it released its first analysis. In M... Link to the full article to read more
Everything you need to know about the Congressional Budget Office - ABC News