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GOP health bill that passed House leaves 23 million more uninsured in 10 years - ABC News

posted onMay 25, 2017

Article snippet: The Republican health care plan will reduce the federal deficit by $119 billion oven ten years and leave 23 more Americans without health insurance compared to current law, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The bill, known as the American Health Care Act, passed the House with only one vote to spare earlier this month. The Senate is preparing to rewrite the measure before holding a vote. Republicans dismissed some of the report’s conclusions while acknowledging the proposed savings. “This CBO report again confirms that the American Health Care Act achieves our mission: lowering premiums and lowering the deficit. It is another positive step toward keeping our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, said in a statement. An earlier analysis of the bill estimated that 24 million Americans would lose health insurance by 2026. The CBO’s updated assessment revised that figure, but still found that 14 million fewer Americans would have insurance by 2018, compared to Obamacare. The CBO's estimate also indicates that the Republican health care plan would reduce the federal deficit by $119 billion oven ten years. The slight revision from previous estimates will allow Senate Republicans to avoid a Democratic filibuster. Senate budget rules require the AHCA to save $2 billion over ten years in order to be taken up under reconciliation – a process that would allow Senate Republicans t... Link to the full article to read more

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