Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories The liberal defense lawyer seems to be defending President Trump in his public comments. But, he says, he’s just being consistent. The bill would lower average premiums, but in part that would be because coverage would typically be skimpier, the budget office said. The men shook hands and Trump could be heard thanking the pope and saying it was ‘‘a great honor’’ to be there. “I am shocked that you cannot come up with one example of discrimination that you would stand up for students,” Representative Clark said. One of those memos reportedly details President Trump pressuring James Comey to shut down the bureau’s investigation into Michael Flynn. Sean Hannity is not happy with Media Matters for America, the lobbyists who had posted a list of his show’s advertisers on its web site. Sean Hannity is not happy with Media Matters for America. Overall, 51 million people under the age of 65 would be uninsured by the end of 2026, the Congressional Budget Office said. Jeff Sessions did not reveal meetings with Russian officials when he applied for his security clearance to be attorney general. James Runcie had planned to retire by the end of the year, but clashes with the new Trump administration forced his hand. Here’s something you don’t hear very often — or, actually, ever: national Democrats crowing about their big success i... Link to the full article to read more