Article snippet: Posted at 7:00 pm on May 23, 2017 by Susan Wright This is the equivalent of telling your employers, “Bite me!” We’ve been bringing to you the story of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory and how Fox’s Sean Hannity will not let the story go, in spite of requests from the family to stop pushing this lie about their son to the public. It has turned into a real hot topic among the same people that still think #PizzaGate is a thing, with “evidence” just as flimsy. It seems Fox News finally listened to the calls to stop allowing their network to be used as a weapon with which to torture the Rich family, and issued a retraction of the hoax, as Jim Jamitis pointed out earlier. Hannity, however, must feel he has better options on the horizon if he keeps pushing this, in defiance of what his network wants. On his radio program today, Hannity declared, “I am not or, I retracted nothing.” Really, dude? Is that your play? Hannity really has lost it, at this point. If he ever possessed any credibility, that has gone the way of Fox News’ ratings. And therein lies motive. Hannity is so enamored of Trump, such a devoted lackey, that he would torpedo the credibility of his own network to draw attention away from all the incriminating stories surrounding the president, right now. This is expert-level unhinged. Except all of his “evidence” is from a dubious source with a background in the fantastical and self-promotion. None of it is concrete or reliable. He’s gr... Link to the full article to read more
Sean Hannity Defiantly Pledges To Keep Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory