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Hannity's Bomb Announcement... Sorry, I meant Hannity Bombs Announcement

posted onMay 24, 2017

Article snippet: Posted at 10:39 pm on May 23, 2017 by Joe Cunningham Sean Hannity teased a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for his television show tonight. It was going to be about Seth Rich, Fox News, and his future. As you might expect, it was filled with the kind of substance we’ve come to expect from Hannity for the past several months. Hannity has been going on and on about the great Seth Rich conspiracy, despite the fact that there is no evidence to indicate that there is any truth to it. This, despite the fact that the family of the murdered DNC staffer has repeatedly asked the media to stop giving this story life. Then, earlier today, Fox News retracted their original story that gave the conspiracy new life over the last week or so. Somewhere along the way, Hannity went from “THIS IS THE TRUTH WE MUST SEEK” to “Guys, his parents are real upset.” So, Hannity has found the middle ground. He will still pursue this truth (the truth he was getting from Kim Dotcom, a renegade Internet pirate, and Wikileaks), but will do so “at the proper time…” meaning he’s never going to touch this again. And, if he does, it’s going to be the next time Hillary Clinton or one of her clan runs for office (I am so looking forward to 2020, y’all). It is, pure and simple, pathetic hackery from a man who has beclowned himself in defense of a con man. Link to the full article to read more

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