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Politics - The Boston Globe

posted onMay 24, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories President Trump’s budget proposal calls for eliminating funding for a number of programs. Here’s a list, and how much those cuts are estimated to save.  The Senate intelligence committee says it will subpoena two of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s businesses.   Former CIA Director John Brennan told the House intelligence committee on Tuesday that he was the first US official to call out the Russians for their activities.   Hot off the flick seen around the world Monday, Melania Trump pulled a similar move in Italy Tuesday.  President Trump spent part of his visit to Israel with open mics nearby, giving a glimpse into his private banter with Prime Minister Netanyahu.  Opinion | Michael A. Cohen What more evidence could possibly be needed that President Trump has committed a high crime and misdemeanor?  There’s a Mormon Republican in Utah with Massachusetts connections running for elected office, and it’s not Mitt Romney.   There will be no fine for Stephen Colbert’s risque joke about President Donald Trump.  More than half a dozen hires in Gov. Charlie Baker’s environmental agencies have connections at the highest levels of the administration.   Fox News Channel has found itself somewhere it has rarely been the past decade — out of first place.  On Saturday, ‘‘Saturday Night Live’’ concluded its most-watched season in 2... Link to the full article to read more

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